Episode 4

Art Meza - Photographer


October 2nd, 2023

1 hr 10 mins 13 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

On this episode of The Creative Dad Pod we welcome published photographer, artist, and archivist, Art Meza. The lowrider enthusiast lends his craft to the lowrider culture, as well as the gente that comes with it. His experience seems young but the accomplishments are up there with vets. We’re talking the City of LA archive, celebrity commissions, multiple art exhibits around the country, movies and book publications. Chicano Soul thrusted himself into the fire of art and business with his collaboration on the 10 year old cultura classic, Lowriting. His art is helping define a culture that is “as American as apple pie.” With outside efforts to keep our books, photos, art and culture suppressed to extinction, Chicano Soul prospers as an activist creating for the sake of a genuine history. And on top of all of that, he’s a daddy and co-parent. Father to 3, and grandfather to 1, please welcome to the pod, the man with a chicano soul, Art Meza.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chicano_soul/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/chicano_soul
Website: https://www.chicanosoul.net/


Available now on @spotify, @apple, @youtube, @audecy and everywhere else you get your podcasts!

The Creative Dad Pod
Hosted by Adrian Huerta
Facebook: The Creative Dad Pod
Instagram: @thecreativedadpod
TikTok: @thecreativedadpod

It’s the potty-mouth safe space for balancing daddy duties & creative careers. Let’s get into with artists, creatives and business pros that have similar hardships and victories in fatherhood. It's The Creative Dad Pod. Hosted by 5 time Emmy winning videographer/documentarian, and 1 time daddy, Adrian Huerta (@drianhuerta).